



In the course of its industrial development, PSMC continues to make efforts to protect and maintain biodiversity. In response to international concerns about biodiversity and forest conservation, we have formulated the “PSMC Biodiversity and Non-Deforestation Policy” to demonstrate our commitment to the conservation of the ecological environment through the monitoring and promotion of corporate sustainable governance. The policy and the declaration has been reported to the Sustainability Committee and disclosed in the Sustainability Report approved by the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors.


Biodiversity and Non-Deforestation Commitment


PSMC is committed to maintaining biodiversity in accordance with SDG15, with ecosystem protection as the starting point, and calling on our supply chain partners to support biodiversity preservation and forest conservation to promote the well-being of mankind and the planet in response to the environmental and ecological challenges posed by climate change.


Biodiversity and Non-Deforestation Policy


  • Avoid establishing or operating plants in the vicinity of areas of global biodiversity and/or of national importance
  • Avoid operating related activities that could destroy protected forests and organisms
  • If operational activities touch on biodiversity and ecological reserves, actions must be taken to eliminate, mitigate, offset and restore the richness and variability of biodiversity.
  • According to the characteristics of the operating site and the nearby ecosystem, priority is given to measures that can help mitigate or adapt to climate change, and the introduction of biodiversity enhancement practices, as well as attention to ecological indicators monitoring and maintenance.
  • Comply with international and local forest-related laws or specific regulations, and conserve forests based on the principle of zero net logging.
  • Actively pursue conservation and sustainable use in response to the Convention on Biological Diversity signed by the United Nations Environment Programme
  • Bringing together the upstream and downstream value chain and working with suppliers and external stakeholders to support and practice biodiversity conservation
  • Actively promote the concept of biodiversity, raise public awareness of ecological conservation, and promote ecological conservation actions.

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Biodiversity Conservation Initiative


The Company's P5 Tongluo Plant (the total floor area of the first phase is estimated to be 189,379.81m2) is currently under construction at the Tongluo site of the Hsinchu Science Park, and since the Tongluo site of the Hsinchu Science Park is one of the important habitats of plants and animals in the green network of national ecological conservation, the conservation of the leopard cat is especially of the utmost concern. Therefore, in order to maintain PSMC's commitment to biodiversity and environmental and ecological balance, the following management measures are implemented to reduce the impact and influence on the environment and ecology derived from the new plant during the construction period.

  • Construction equipment (excavators, bulldozers, rollers) must be equipped with smoke filters at a rate of 50% during the construction period.
  • Construction vehicles must meet Phase IV or higher emission standards.
  • More than 50% of the construction vehicles and construction machines should obtain self-management badges.


In addition to implementing the above mentioned environmental protection measures for the construction of the plant, PSMC also carried out a number of actions related to the conservation of the leopard cat during the development of the plant as follows. In addition, we will further cooperate with the competent authorities (the Science Park Administration) on the conservation of the leopard cat in the entire area of the Tongluo site, such as the creation of animal-friendly environmental facilities, e.g. noise equipment, which will increase the noise level and make wild animals more alert when crossing the area; as well as the addition of ecological corridors to link the ecological habitats within the site; at the same time, we will keep track of the relevant ecological monitoring to ensure the maintenance of the environment and ecology around the base and create a friendly and co-prosperous environment between the PSMC plant and the surrounding ecology.


  • Multi-layer planting of native species is used at the plant, and herbicides, rodenticides and traps are prohibited.
  • Complete installation of fences and overflow dikes in the construction area
  • Adding warning signs on the roads around the new construction area to remind people slow down, reducing the chance of injuring animals and road kill
  • Ensure proper control and disposal of food compost to reduce food sources for stray cats and dogs
  • Understanding the results of biodiversity surveys and monitoring results conducted by the competent authorities around the Tongluo site


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In addition to complying with government regulations, PSMC also aims for sustainable environmental development and actively participates in environmental and ecological conservation activities.

In 2022, PSMC held activities as the following:


  • Let’s Clean the Beach Together
    PSMC gathered employees and their families to participate in a beach cleanup activity on the north shore of the Guanyin Temple at Nanliao Fishing Harbor, Hsinchu City, Taiwan. The group not only physically removed non-marine litter but also established the concept of marine conservation. The beach cleanup activity was also documented in the International Coastal Cleanup (ICC) log sheet, which monitors marine debris. According to the item-by-item records of the garbage picked up by the group, the total area of the beach cleaned on that day was about 250 meters, and a total of 298.9 kg of various types of waste were removed.

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  • Participation in Leopard Cat Conservation Promotion Activities and Mountain Cleanup
    With the upcoming completion of the factory in Tunglo, Miaoli, PSMC continues to broaden its interest and invest resources in local environmental conservation. Therefore, PSMC held a physical mountain cleanup education activity at the factory in Tunglo, calling on more than 300 employees to participate. The event included lectures promoting the environmental assessment and ecological monitoring of Tunglo Science Park and eco-conservation measures for the leopard cat, as well as environmental cleanup around the factory. This allowed the Company to make actual contributions to local environmental conservation while effectively enhancing the environmental conservation awareness of its employees.
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  • Hsinchu Science Park General Inspection and NGO Environmental Visits
    The Deputy Director of the Hsinchu Science Park Administration invited representatives from the Environmental Protection Administration, the Environmental Protection Bureau, experts, academics, and citizen environmental groups (NGOs) to visit the plant, helping stakeholders understand the Company's environmental protection management (covering a comprehensive range of aspects including air pollution, wastewater, waste materials, and greenhouse gases) and the performance of environmental management measures. After the on-site visit of the environmental protection and prevention equipment, the Company received praise and affirmation from the various representatives, which definitively enhanced the overall image of the Company.

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  • Animal Conservation Drawing Competition
    PSMC invited students from the local Chutung Junior High School to participate in a drawing competition. Students were able to choose from among Taiwan's unique/protected species such as the leopard cat, grass owl, and the Taiwan blue magpie as their sketch subjects. Through the process of replicating the animal, the students were able to gain a deeper understanding of the species itself and the importance of environmental protection. The contest also encouraged the students to actively participate in environmental conservation activities through the competition and the exhibition of their sketches, thus promoting environmental education.

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  • A Dual Lecture on the Impact and Challenges of Climate Change and Biodiversity
    Climate change has become the focal issue of global concern, and the concept of biodiversity has increased the importance of environmental conservation and ecological systems in various countries. Frequent forest fires, droughts, epidemics, and even ecological extinction in recent years have demonstrated that human beings are not only inseparable from the ecosystem on which our survival depends, but are also facing a serious challenge. The lectures on Impacts and Challenges of Climate Change and Biodiversity attracted 604 participants from various departments. The Company hopes that these lectures will raise employee awareness of the urgency and importance of the environment and ecology. Moreover, in order to continuously expand the popularity of environmental education, e-learning courses were held in addition to the physical lectures and online live broadcasts, with a total of 1,544 employees enthusiastically participating.

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