Philosophy and Goals
The direct and indirect impacts of climate change cannot be ignored. PSMC has set a variety of environmental management goals and plans; we continue to invest resources in research on energy/resource reuse efficiency improvement, and in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, chemicals use, and waste generation, all while expanding our business operations. The Company has a firm commitment to actively reducing the impact of our operations on the environment, and to providing eco-friendly green manufacturing services to customers.

- Committed to environmentally friendly measures for energy saving and carbon reduction, and fulfilling corporate responsibility.
- Adhere to scientific rationality, continuously improve production and enhance enterprise efficiency.
- Comply with environmental and energy regulations and meet customer needs, reduce the impact on the environment, achieve a balance between ecology and business, and become a sustainable enterprise with net zero emissions

- In order to effectively manage air pollution emissions, it has passed the ISO 14001 environmental management system verification, and aims to continuously reduce pollutant emissions and improve best available technologies. (SDG 3.9 achieved)
- Continuing our commitment to technological improvements and equipment investments, PSMC has increased water recovery rates and process water efficiency. We became the first semiconductor company in the Hsinchu Science Park to commit to a process water recovery rate of 85% or better. In 2023, the water recovery rates across all fabs reached 88% (SDG 6.4 achieved).
- After the establishment of the park water reclamation plant, the Company will use 750 m3/day (CMD) of reclaimed water (P1/2: 500 CMD, P3: 250 CMD) to respond to the government’s policy of actively promoting the recycling of reclaimed water. (SDG 6.b achieved)
- After the installation and operation of the Hsinchu desalination plant, the fabrication plants in the Hsinchu Science Park will purchase the desalination water to replace 10% of the tap water usage and reduce the water load on the reservoirs in Hsinchu.(SDG 6.6 achieved)
- Process wastewater is pre-treated by the wastewater treatment plant in the factory, and then discharged into the park sewage treatment plant for subsequent treatment and discharge. The wastewater is divided into recyclable and non-recyclable wastewater according to different characteristics such as the type, concentration, and conductivity of the wastewater, etc. at the process side, there are a total of 20 different water system treatments. In addition to increasing the water recovery rate, some waste acid liquids, organic waste liquids, etc. have economic value for recovery. Separate diversion can not only reduce the dosage of wastewater plants, but also reduce the difficulty of back-end waste treatment and environmental load. (SDG 6.4 achieved)
- The implement of the ISO 50001 energy management system to analyze the efficiency of energy consumption through energy management, seeks the effective use of energy and improves the energy efficiency.(SDG 7.3 achieved)
- PSMC has implemented a variety of energy-saving measures, such as reviewing and improving energy efficiency, planning for the replacement of old equipment, and developing renewable energy sources. The goal was set to achieve an annual energy savings rate of over 1%. In 2023, the overall energy savings rate reached 1.88%.(SDG 7.3 achieved)
- Regarding the management philosophy of introducing waste management into the lifecycle, we will continue to promote the following objectives: (1) source reduction, (2) end point waste reduction, (3) enhancing the value of waste reuse, and (4) proper disposal and the tracking of waste flow. (SDG 11.6 achieved)
- The Company strictly controls the emission of pollutants through the best available technology of a multi-phase treatment system for pollution prevention. In 2023, the overall average removal rate of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) reached 97.14%, exceeding the standards set by the Air Pollution Control and Emissions Standards for the Semiconductor Industry.(SDG 11.6 achieved)
- The waste generated is classified by type and disposal method, and is cleaned up and reused by qualified waste vendors; waste cleaning is strictly required to comply with waste cleaning laws and international regulations, and waste generated on site is attended to at all times and evaluated for the appropriateness in the waste cleaning market.(SDG 12.5 achieved)
- To ensure the ability to resume normal operations within the shortest possible time in the event of a major accident or crisis, PSMC has established business continuity plans for specific crisis events such as prolonged power supply interruptions or disruptions in raw material supply.(SDG 13.1 achieved)
In order to measure the investment benefits of environmental protection, PSMC calculates the return on environmental investment every year and sets a target of more than 6%. In recent years, the return on environmental investment has remained stable at above 6%. However, due to the addition of new P5 Tongluo plant equipments in 2023, the amount of capital investment has increased significantly, resulting in a decrease in the return on environmental investment to 1.43% in 2023.