Philosophy and Goals

The plants of PSMC are all located in the jurisdiction of Hsinchu Science Park. Any environmental evaluation and environment monitoring will be conducted under the supervision of the Park Bureau, and has not directly impact the community. The environmental protection, and health and safety aspects have always been prioritized in the operations within the plants, to maintain certain environmental health and safety standards. The Company consistently strengthens its interaction and exchange with the Hsinchu Science Park Bureau, such as participating in seminars regarding environmental protection and health and safety; and holding activities in conjunction with the Industrial Safety and Environmental Protection Month, to continuously review the awareness campaign in these regards and establish a comprehensive environmental health and safety system within the plants, thus providing a hygienic, safe and comfortable workplace for the employees. PSMC is also a part of the Environmental Supervision Team of the Park and regularly communicates with local residents to understand their expectations on the manufacturers operating in the Park in regards to matters concerning environmental protection, and health and safety, and thus strengthening the management mechanism of the manufacturers in the environment, health and safety aspects.

  • 97 %↑

    VOC Efficiency

    Efficiency of facilities in processing volatile organic compounds (VOC)

  • 100 %

    None Sanction

    None administrative sanction by Environmental Protection authorities